Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Fraud: These are some “Red Flag” indicators to be aware of.

Everyone plays a role in combating fraud.  Being aware of some “red flags” will help prompt additional questions and/or investigations into these issues. 

Accident occurs on a Monday morning or late on a Friday and is not reported until the following Monday.  What occurred over the weekend or during days off?
The accident occurs just prior to a strike, plant closing, layoff, job termination or end of seasonal work..
Accident was unwitnessed by any fellow employees.
Injured worker has a history of prior claims.
Substantial delay between date of incident and date reported to supervisor.
Different descriptions between employer’s accident investigation and medical provider’s report.
Difficulties reaching injured worker at home during disability period.
Injured worker’s attorney or medical provider is known for being involved in suspect claims.
Injured worker switches medical providers frequently.
After receiving a release to return to work, injured worker switches physicians.
Injuries are minor (strain/sprain), but requires excessive treatment and lost time.
Date of services do not correlate with the date of injury.
Injured workers from the same insured are all using the same medical provider or attorney.

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